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Full Range: Product managers at Alan – Marion Deneuville

Product Managers come in various shapes and forms, meet the ones who work at Alan!

In this series of short videos, you will get to hear several Product Managers go through their current scope and challenges at Alan. From launching new countries, optimizing insurance products, to deploying AI models at scale, who knows: you might find a story that resonates.

Full Range: Product managers at Alan – Marion Deneuville
Bruno Vegreville
Bruno VegrevilleProduct Manager
Updated on
29 October 2024
Product and Tech at Alan
Bruno Vegreville
Bruno VegrevilleProduct Manager
Updated on
29 October 2024
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Today, we’re meeting Marion:

Marion Deneuville, Product Manager at Alan


Bruno Vegreville, Alan (B.V) : Could you present yourself and tell us how you got into product management?

Marion Deneuville, Alan (M.D): My name is Marion. I've been in product management for over ten years in Paris. I came into product management at a company called Criteo, where I was an analyst. I saw all these product managers running around and thought they had the coolest job on earth because on top of just analyzing stuff, they could build new products. I applied to switch up to PM and I'm still convinced today, 10 years later, that it's the best job on earth.

B.V: And what do you do today?

M.D: I'm in charge of the product for insurance offer, the historic core of our product: building guarantees, price and legal documents to build an insurance offer.

B.V: What are the latest projects you've worked on?

M.D: So I've worked on a project called tailored-only pricing and the idea is that for each client we can now offer a pricing that is closer to their risk profile and to what they actually want to cover. We've personalized both the guarantees and the pricing meaning that we're closer to their their exact profile.

B.V: What has been the most rewarding parts to building this product?

The impact it has on the business because obviously price and the core of the product is a key driver of your business performance. But a really happy side effect is that we've made the sales team really happy : they now feel that they're really empowered to advise and personalize and build something that's specific to their clients.

B.V: How do you measure success?

M.D: On this kind of product, it's very business driven. So we're looking at acquisition, at revenue generation, because obviously being priced right is really important in the market. And we're also looking at margins and how it affects our profitability in the long term.

B.V: And what was the first project that you led at Alan?

M.D: So my very first project was our maps, so helping you find a doctor. And then after that, ability for clients to buy their glasses through us, which we call Alan Clear.

B.V: What are you spending your time on right now?

M.D: So right now, I'd say that about 30% of roadmapping, we're preparing for Q4 and then 2025. So where do we want to bring the company? How does insurance offer contribute to our long-term vision? Do we still need to invest in it? There's some part that's very much crew work. We're bug squashing this week, launching new features with the designers, defining the next steps in our offer experience. And then there's some more transversal role topics around the PM community.

Stay tuned for the next portrait!

Do you want to launch a new country or build new programs to improve the mental and physical health of our insured members? Check out our careers page or find us on Linkedin.

Published on 18/10/2024

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