Alan's Candidate Privacy Policy

Privacy policies are often intimidating. They are generally lengthy, dry and can be unclear. Instead of being reassuring, they end up having the opposite effect, or not even being read at all

We have written ours to be as clear and accessible as possible, so that, as a candidate for a job at Alan, you can understand exactly how we use your personal data.

Happy reading, and let us know if you have any questions.

 Table of contents

 Why a candidate privacy policy?

As part of processing your application to work with us at Alan, we need to process some of your personal data. The protection of your personal data is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect and use information about you through our recruitment website .

This privacy policy applies to any personal data (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation, the “GDPR”) collected about candidates who apply to work for Alan in any of our geographies, and candidates we identify and would like to work with.

 Our key principles

When it comes to applying to work at Alan, there are two things you should keep in mind:

  • Alan only collects the information we need to make a decision about your application, including information related to your professional background, hard & soft skills, references, or motivation. We will not ask you unnecessary questions for the sake of accumulating information.

  • If you are not hired at the end of this process, we commit to giving feedback and we'd like to stay in touch. Alan will keep a copy of your application so that we can keep you in mind for potential future recruitment opportunities. That being said, if you'd rather we didn't keep your data on file, please let us know and we'll make sure your request is fulfilled.

 Who is responsible for collecting your personal data?

Alan is responsible for collecting your personal data in the context of your job application, as data controller under the GDPR. If you're being considered for a position in one of our new markets, we may share this responsibility with one of our local entities.

Alan's legal details are as follows:

Alan SA

117 quai de Valmy 75010 Paris, France

Siren: 818 353 070 R.C.S. Paris

Editor: Charles Gorintin

Hosting service provider: via Lever

 I have a question or request or I want to delete my personal data

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your personal data, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]. For your safety and ours, we may need to ask you for proof of your identity before we answer your question or request.

 What information do we collect about you?

The personal data we collect when we consider you for a job at Alan will always be relevant to the evaluation of your profile for the position at stake.

It includes the following information:

  • your name

  • your contact details (phone number, email address, location)

  • your professional background (resume, education, skills, work experience, LinkedIn profile, contact details for references you have permission to provide to us, copy of your highest diploma, etc.)

  • your bank details (if we owe you traveling expenses according to our candidate travel policy, available upon request)

  • any websites showcasing your work (examples: Github, Twitter, Portfolio)

  • copies of communications between you and Alan

  • our notes, feedback, and assessments following interviews with you or calls with your references

  • your salary expectations and availability

  • any additional information you proactively share with us (which may include sensitive data)

We rely on you to give us this personal data, or we collect them from other sources that we consider relevant to you professionally, such as:

  • Your public LinkedIn profile, your profile on other professional social networks, or publicly available sources that we consider relevant to your professional online presence (like your blogs, conference videos, university websites, etc.)

  • The people referring you, if you have been referred to us by an Alan employee or an external person known to Alan,

  • The references we check in the recruiting process

  • Headhunters and recruitment agencies who support our recruitment efforts and forward your profile to us

  • Third parties we may hire as sourcing service providers

Information we collect automatically:

When you submit an application through our careers page, we collect technical information sent to us by the device you use to submit your application, such as your computer IP address, device identifiers, and how you came to our website.

For more information on cookies used by Lever, check their cookie policy on their website. You can find more information on cookies used on Alan's websites in Alan's general privacy policy.

 How do we use personal data we collect?

Following the GDPR and local data protection laws, Alan collects and uses personal data only for reasons related to your application:

To process your application and assess your suitability for jobs at Alan:

When applying for Alan, we collect the personal data detailed in the section above for each job you may be a relevant candidate for.

On what legal basis?

We rely on the contract that we wish to enter with you and pre-contractual measures in managing your recruitment process and processing your application.

We rely on your consent, where you proactively decide to disclose information about a specific trait in your recruitment process which may qualify as sensitive data. We will gather and use such optional information only for the purpose of ensuring to give every candidate a fair chance to succeed and with your prior consent.

We process some of your data to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations to prepare aggregated reports on our recruitment practices.

We also rely on our legitimate interests to fulfill our business needs such as improving our recruitment process, saving your record for future roles at Alan.

What does “legitimate interest” mean in this context?

Article 6 (f) of the GDPR gives the following definition: we can process people's personal data for a specific legitimate purpose unless their interests, rights, and freedoms override that purpose.

What do we do with your personal data?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To process your application:

    • to make informed decisions on your application and assess your suitability for the role, or for other roles available at the time you apply

    • to coordinate and facilitate your application process

    • to communicate with you about your application, your advancement in the application process

    • to check that the information you give us access to is true and accurate, and to check your references

  • To improve our recruitment process:

    • if your application is unsuccessful, to consider your record for future roles at Alan

    • to perform data analytics and reporting to monitor, test, and improve the effectiveness of our recruiting processes and tools

    • to communicate with you about the roles and events that we believe may interest you

  • To comply with our legal obligations:

    • In aggregated form, to create and submit reports on our recruitment practices as required by applicable laws or regulations

How long do we retain your personal data?

Unless you ask us not to, we retain your personal data for 2 years after you apply or we identify you as a potential candidate.

How can I access or update my personal data?

Just send a request to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

 Who else at Alan has access to my personal data? (Disclosure of Information)

Your personal data may be communicated to Alan's employees and providers for the purposes outlined above. They will always be duly informed by Alan of the confidentiality of the personal data communicated to them in this context, and we'll always make sure the right contractual measures are in place to protect you.

To meet our legal and regulatory obligations, we may be required to communicate personal information to administrative or judicial authorities upon request. If this were ever the case, we would make sure we grant authorities' access only to the data they strictly require.

Your personal data may also be transferred outside the European Union. When we transfer them to a country that does not have data protection laws equivalent to the European Union (such as the U.S. through some of our providers), we ensure adequate contractual measures are in place and the transfer is consistent with our GDPR obligations.

People who might have access to your personal data in the context of your application include:

1) Alan employees: Alan has a strong culture of distributed ownership and transparency, which means our recruitment process is distributed between many different Alan employees. Your application will be shared with them transparently. It also means that all Alan employees have access to most of our core tools and system including Lever, our Application Tracking System which allows us to move really fast with hiring and provide candidates with an excellent experience, therefore they could in theory access your application. In practice, Alan employees are very educated about privacy and the sensitivity of this information and are aware that none if this can be shared outside of the organisation. If you are not comfortable with this please reach out to us at [email protected].

2) Our service providers: We work with other companies or contractors to perform services on our behalf or to assist us with our recruiting process, including:

  • Lever (Application Tracking System)

  • Freelancers who help us with sourcing

  • Recruiting agency

  • Slack (messaging platform)

  • AngelList (job board platform)

  • GSuite (email and documents)

The service providers on this list may change from time to time.

 What are my rights?

The GDPR gives you several rights, which you can easily request to exercise by emailing Alan's Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

Right to access, correct, and delete your personal data: You can request access to your personal data or correct or update out-of-date or inaccurate personal information we hold about you, but this may not affect your application if we have already filled the position or assessed your candidacy based on the information first provided. We will also consider any requests to exercise your right to data portability.

Right to opt-out: If you would like to withdraw your application, or if you do not want Alan to use your personal data to consider you for potential future recruitment, please let your contact at Alan know or reach out to us at [email protected].

Note that if you accept employment with Alan, we will keep your personal data will be held based on our employment contract, and this policy will no longer apply.

Right to complain to your local data protection authority: You also have the right to complain to your local data protection authority if you believe the collection and use of your personal data infringe this privacy policy or applicable law.

Again, if you contact us, we may need to check your identity before we answer your question or request for your safety and ours.